Occupational Safety
Electromagnetic radiation isn't emitted by transmitting equipment only. Magnetic or electric fields occur wherever voltages are present or current flows, such as in industry, for example. Employers must protect their staff from effects that may endanger health, by determining safe distances from emitting equipment, restricting access, and other protective measures. This requires that they measure the field exposure levels and evaluate them according to the applicable occupational health and safety standards. Narda has the equipment you need.
Suitable devices:

RadMan / RadMan XT / RadMan Mobile
Personal radiation monitor for electric and magnetic fields - RF Safety instrument

Nardalert S3

NBM 520
Broadband Field Meter very compact hand held - Ready for 5G

NBM 550
Broadband Field Meter - Ready for 5G

Broadband Radiation Meter

Device with dual sensor probe for measuring electric and magnetic fields in industrial environments

ELT 400
Exposure Level Tester

Compact field analyzer